
Global Church Member Survey 2021

Seventh-day Adventist church Inter-American Division

Every 5 years our church around the world conducts research to better understand its members. The world is constantly changing and we want to discover the real impact it has on our community.

Your participation in this project is of the utmost importance.

Dear brothers and sisters: Just as all the different members of the human organism unite to form the entire body, and each one fulfills its part obeying the intelligence that governs the whole, so also the members of the church of Christ must be united in one body. symmetrical, subject to the sanctified intelligence of the whole. Ellen G. White

Inter-American Division

The Inter-American Division was established in 1922 and is made up of:

Surveys Applied

Union / MissionAnswers
Atlantic Caribbean Union Mission 111
Belize Union of Churches Mission 120
Caribbean Union Conference 13
Central Mexican Union Mission 322
Cuban Union Conference 187
Chiapas Mexican Union Mission 368
Dutch Caribbean Union 40
Dominican Union Conference334
East Venezuela Union Mission303
El Salvador Union Mission 379
French Antilles-Guiana Union Conference 48
Guatemala Union Mission 314
Haitian Union Mission 35
Honduras Union Mission 286
Inter-Oceanic Mexican Union Mission 416
Jamaica Union Conference 52
North Colombian Union Conference 367
North Mexican Union Conference 327
Panama Union 323
Puerto Rican Union Conference 66
South Central American Union Conference 353
South Colombian Union Mission 398
Southeast Mexican Union Mission 414
West Venezuela Union Mission 358